“The moment I am aware that I am aware, I am not aware. Awareness means the observer is not.” – J Krishnamurti
When I am aware that I am aware, and if that is not being aware, at or around that moment, what (twilight) zone is that, from which we become aware of our awareness?
Or is this like the quantum paradox of observation ? Where the un-manifested reality is forced to manifest as soon as it is observed?
The moment you measure/observe it it’s not the same thing- since it’s forced to manifest or choose a state.
So if awareness is our tool of measurement/observation (cognition) and awareness itself is the object of measurement ( our own subatomic particles), wonder if somehow Schrödinger equation will hold in a certain quantum awareness machine?
And how about quantum (inter-subjective) awareness entanglement ? Imgine gaining limited but instantaneous access to someone else’s awareness through some inter-subjective entanglement.